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A pulse is vibrating in the city
A low and steady hum
People walking close to you
Snatching bits & pieces of your soul.

You feel the pulse and want to ride it
The excitement and the contrasts.

A street duet is sweetly sung
Two violin bows playing their owner’s hearts
sweetly serenading all who pass them by
flower pots art museumDSC_0027asking money for the homeless.
Pure and dedicated souls
along with sweetly lotioned people
holding umbrellas & shopping bags
and the homeless in rags
exposing their burnt skin to the sun.

All of us  walking together
fusing and melding and sharing our space.
Feeling the pulse at a different rate
Desperation and sweat
Longing and boredom
Excitement and malaise.
All swelling and rising
as the feet move on
and all the thoughts and hopes and dreams
come together
for 1 quick moment.