
As I was walking through the fall toned fields,I felt the crackle of the squirrels. They called to each other from the trees. And when I looked around me, I saw them scurrying quickly, burying nuts as if to say, there’s not enough time! We have to prepare for the future. We have to store food. If we are to survive.
The last few days have been cold all of a sudden. Right after the lunar eclipse. So much change is happening to our earth. It changes our bodies quickly, roughly, whether we’re ready for it or not. There’s uncertainty in the air, as fall boldly moves into the landscape. Changing the colors, shaking the trees and blowing the leaves; gleaming the sun into our eyes. There is warmth and then there’s cold all at the same time.
And then I saw this 1 lone pink flower in a golden field. Standing straight and tall. Unwavering. Unmoving. In all this swirling moving ocean of change, I suddenly felt rooted. And proud. To be me. Different. Standing out. Unmoved by all the chaos. Blooming in the fickle sun. Belonging. And holding on.

1 lone pink flowerDSC_3662 pm

Unfinished Spots

ctree winter sunDSC_0027 pmSpring is in my heart
I can feel it in my bones.
The winter sun burns a hole in me
I can feel the unfinished spots
Begin to melt
and run like icy water
Down my back
Out of my shoes
Back in the earth
Christening the birth
Of a new spring bud.
We are all footprints
Of each other
Born of the winter sun
& shaped by the mud.


white poppyDSC_0020

In this alpha state
I feel only love
My light shines purely
As this white poppy.
Crinkled in all the right places
Love streaming through the crevices
by God’s life sustaining dirt.

I feel into your moment

green heron on bridgeDancing shimmery orbs
peaking through the plants
a spotlight on the bridge.
I’m here and then I’m not!
I travel as I please
Pink pastels adorn me.
White light never leaves me
shining through the brush
going through my crown
cascading down my being
swirling through my blood.
You are my perfect creation
Wondrous to my eyes
Pleasing to my senses
I feel into your moment.